Les inscriptions sont closes pour cet événement
8h30 - 9h00 Pacifique | 11h30 - 12h00 (heure de l'Est)

CiviCRM's features include allowing your constituents to create their own fundraising pages - and then ask others to fund their cause. A personal campaign page allows your constituents to personalize the fundraiser by offering their personal reasons and/or experiences with the organization on their own personal page. Also, your contributors may in turn send the personal campaign pages to their circle of friends.

Qu’est-ce qu’un CiviTip ?
Les CiviTips sont de courts webminaires d'une demi-heure où nous proposons des conseils et des bonnes pratiques sur un domaine fonctionnel particulier de CiviCRM.

Qui devrait être présent?
Either you have missed a training session for your organization or you want a refresh on a specific fonctionality, you should attend a CiviTip. -

July 27th, 2016 9:30 AM through 10:00 AM
Frais d'inscription
Par personne $10.00